Monday - Friday 8:00 -18:00 Saturday 10:00 -16:00
A landlord is anyone who rents out a property to tenants. Under the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020, landlords are required to have an EICR inspection carried out on their property at least once every five years, or more frequently if recommended by the inspector..
If the EICR report shows defects, it is important to take remedial action to address these issues. The report should provide recommendations for the necessary repairs or upgrades. It is the responsibility of the landlord to ensure that any necessary work is carried out by a qualified electrician and that the property is made safe for tenants.
If defects are found during the EICR inspection, the landlord should arrange for a qualified electrician to carry out the necessary repairs or upgrades as recommended in the report. Once the work has been completed, the electrician should issue a certificate to confirm that the electrical installation is safe.
Yes, it is mandatory to provide smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to tenants in a property where an EICR has been conducted. Under the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020, landlords are required to provide working smoke alarms on each floor of the property where there is a room used wholly or partly as living accommodation, and carbon monoxide alarms in any room containing a solid fuel-burning appliance.
It is not necessary to test and inspect all electrical appliances before conducting an EICR, as the inspection is focused on the fixed wiring and electrical installation of the property. However, it is recommended that landlords ensure that all electrical appliances provided in the property are safe to use and have been tested and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and industry standards.